Before and after results that last

We just had an interesting talk with a possible client who want to come to Titan Fitness BootCamp for 4 weeks. He/she had some questions and some concerns and before booking with us and he/she wanted to talk to us over the phone. Off course we be happy to do so.

To wrap up the conversation he/she was a bit worried to come here as they had previously been to another similar establishment as ours but the experience there wasn’t pleasant.

Basically they had a one type of solution that was applicable to all clients and they were only aloud to eat less that 1000 calories per day plus 3-4 workouts per day plus long walks. This to us is just insane. That is way too little food and way too much exercise.

Plus they said they have tried every single diet thats out there and havent been able to stick to it and constantly going up and down in weight and does not have a good routine atm.

As most of the cases where yo-yo dieting is involved, (after finishing a 4 or 8 week crazy diet experiment) as that is basically what he/she was put through. You end up going back to the type of diet you had before and you gain that weight you just lost very fast. In many cases you actually gain even more than you were before.

So he/she wanted to make sure our process is different. We then explained that our approach is individualised and each client here has a different plan. This applies for the FITness program. Depending on what your goals are, your age, weight and preference in training we will tailor a plan for just you. Some people prefer to lift more weights, have more PT and some prefer just to do the different classes we offer.  What sets us apart is the community of Titans on site that are in this together. It is so much easier to reach your goals in the environment we have created at Titan Fitness. There are no distractions, there are no obligations or interruptions. Here you can just focus on you and your goals and at the same time have fun with likeminded people. We recently had a great chat with a client who explained our camp as “Like summer camp for adults”. And we couldn’t explain it better ourselves, it really is a camp for adults. Another advantage is the co working space, just a few minutes walk from camp a place where you can do some work if needed, so coming here for a few weeks is possible and you can also get work done if needed.

Since the pandemic started there was an increase of online coaches and online programs, due to the fact that people were locked inside and weren’t able to travel. Now that we are going back to normal that trend has declined and we see people back in gyms and traveling again. You can't compare an online program with the real thing or an experience, working out in groups and meeting people is so much more effective and more fun. Creating new friends and expanding our social network makes us happier individuals.  

With this said, for some people online coaching work and that is good, but the vast majority of personal trainers that also are online coaches will agree that real interaction and face to face sessions with a client is better than online. 

We did wrap up the conversation and the plan now is they will come here for 4 weeks this fall to get a foundation and a training plan that works, which they also can apply for once they are back home. Hopefully there will be a follow up post about this in 6 months time.


We have been running our weight-loss programs and transformation programs for over a decade here at Titan Fitness.   With time we have changed, modified it and included more in the program to make it the best.  On Cyprus we call it the FITness program. A hybrid between the tranfsormation program and weightloss program. We have had hundreds of success stories through out the years with amazing before and after results.

What make our program so successful? It is not just one factor, it is many! We have collected and saved feedback through out the years and what most past clients have pointed out is the fact that they are in such a great environment for their body transformation journey. The environment at Titan Fitness includes the facilities, the healthy food, the great people at Camp and mostly THE AMAZING COACHES. In our FITness program we have combined a weight loss and transformation approach, we use our experience to create a program that suits your needs and wishes, wether it’s weight loss (think fat loss) or building muscles and it becomes more of a transformation program.  In our consultation hour on your first day here we will plan out an suited way for you.  Most people book a 2-4 week program as we need at least 4 weeks to get some amazing results. If you want to come for a shorter period we have had many clients as well come for a 2 week kickstart and made som really good changes in such a short period of time!


Everything is so accessible and close with in walking distance you don’t have to leave the camp, its like it’s own oasis one client mention and we think that description is spot on, it is a fitness oasis!


Signing off//

Behind the keyboard

"The Titan Blog Machine"



3 months of Titan Fitness BootCamp Cyprus


What to do in Paphos and Coral Bay when not training?